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Get involved with the

Parents Association

Welcome to the Parents Association! As a parent of a current student, you are already a member! The focus of our group is to increase communication and interaction within the parent community. The gatherings are a time to connect with and learn from each other, with the overall goal of creating a tight-knit network of parents to support the students, faculty, and staff!

There are many opportunities to participate in the Parents Association throughout the school year, from one of the many volunteer opportunities listed below or by simply attending one of our gatherings. Parent involvement, no matter the level of commitment, is essential to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment at La Lumiere!



2023-2024 Important Dates


Parents Association Events

September 16, 2023 | Parents Association Social Tent | Sullivan Field | 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (cdt)

October/November | Parents Association Gathering | TBD

February | Parents Association Gathering | TBD

Volunteer Opportunities

Below is a list of primary parent volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to the appropriate email listed. If you have any questions regarding volunteering, please contact Torie Jaques at

Another important part of the Parents Association is fundraising, which helps fund activities that enrich the student experience on campus. The majority of fundraising revenue is through the Snack Shack, our concession stand during athletic events. The Snack Shack takes many volunteers and since all of our students benefit from the proceeds generated, we ask that all of our families volunteer time to help run the stand during athletic events throughout the year.


Here are some of the opportunities to be on the lookout for:

  1. “TBD” Social Events - There are a few “TBD” social events listed in our calendar. We are looking for parents who would like to take a more active role in the PA and assist in planning these gatherings. Contact Nicole Guenin at if you are interested.

  2. Snack Shack - Sell food and drinks at home games while getting to know other parents. Check your email and our Facebook page for the sign-up genius link. Contact Helena Hamilton if you are interested or have any questions at

  3. Parent Ambassador Network - The Admissions team needs your help inviting more great families into the La Lumiere community. Sign up to be connected with prospective parents and share your experiences, attend events like Open House, participate in the Parent Pairs program, and spread the word about our school. Contact Jay Blakely if you are interested at

  4. Student Store - Supervising student workers while the store is open immediately after school and/or visually merchandising the store. Contact Sandy Allshouse if you are interested at

  5. Weekends @ La Lu - The residential staff is always looking for fun ways for students to enjoy their free time on weekends. If you have some out of the box ideas or would like to host an event, please contact Mike Heffron at *Please note all ideas are welcome but must be feasible for the school to provide.

  6. Faculty Appreciation Fridays - The Parents Association hosts Faculty Appreciation Fridays each spring to show some love to the hard-working faculty and staff. Look to Facebook for more information later this year. Contact Nicole Guenin at if you are looking for a way to give back, otherwise, look to Facebook for more information later this year on how you can help!

  7. Cultural Chapels - Each year leading up to the Taste of La Lumiere, there are opportunities for students and parents to come in and share a skill, dance, ceremony, or any other information relevant to their cultural heritage with the student body. If you are interested, please contact Susue Eguizabal at


Parents Association 


The purpose of the La Lumiere Parents Association is to increase communication and social interaction within the parent community and to increase parent involvement at La Lumiere in support of the students and school programs.


The Parents Association of La Lumiere supports the School’s mission to help create an atmosphere in which the illegal use of drugs and alcohol is not acceptable. As individual parents, we recognize the important role we have to play, and therefore pledge the following:

We will not allow the illegal use of drugs or alcohol in our homes or on our property, nor will we allow parties or gatherings in our homes when we are not present.

We will make every effort to assure that when our students are out with others, that their social activities are consistent with the law and La Lumiere School policy.

We understand that on occasion, we may need to verify that such activities will be chaperoned by other parents in their homes.

When we sign out a La Lumiere student as a host family, we will follow the guidelines of the school and expect the guest student to do the same.

We will discuss these issues with our student(s) and make certain that they have a clear understanding of the policies of La Lumiere School and law enforcement regarding the use of drugs and alcohol.



CO-PRESIDENTS • Michael & Nicole Guenin - Jack ‘21, Grant ‘22, Sloane ‘24
The President presides at all Association and Executive Committee meetings and has general and active management of the affairs of the Association. He or she sees that all decisions and resolutions of the Association and Executive Committee are carried into effect, and has general duties and powers of supervision on the management customarily vested in the office of President of an association.

CO-VICE PRESIDENTS • Allegra Weiner & Jeff Rheeling - Nicholas ‘26
The Vice President performs all the duties of the President in his or her absence or inability to act and is a member of the Executive Committee. The Vice President performs duties deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or the President.

CO-SECRETARIES • Dennis & Mariana Zeedyk - Thomas '21, Annalise '24
The Secretary attends all Association and Executive meetings, records all votes, and takes and transcribes minutes. He or she receives, tabulates, and brings all proxies solicited on behalf of the Association to any Annual or special meeting of members. The secretary maintains a record of all correspondence and proceedings of the Association in a book to be kept for this purpose, ensures proper notice is given of all meetings to Association members and the Executive Committee, and performs other duties deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or the President.

CONCESSIONS COORDINATOR • Helena Hamilton - Makenna ‘20, Macey ‘25, Maxwell ‘27
Please click here to easily sign up online for the Snack Shack (concessions). You can also receive reminders two days prior to your scheduled day.

CO-TREASURERS • Julie & Brian Tegt - Avery ‘25, Camden ‘27
The treasurer manages Association funds held in an established bank account. He or she keeps an accounting of funds through the management of receipts and disbursements and gives a current report at each meeting of the Association. The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee and performs duties deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or the President.